There are two types of Silverlight web sites that you can create in Visual
Studio 2008:
Ordinary HTML web site: In this case, the entry point to your Silverlight application is a basic HTML file that includes a Silverlight content region.
ASP.NET web site: In this case, Visual Studio creates two projects?one to contain the Silverlight application files, and one to hold the server-side ASP.NET web site that will be deployed alongside your Silverlight files.
The entry point to your Silverlight application can be an ordinary HTML file or an ASP.NET web form that also includes server-generated content.
No matter which option you choose, your Silverlight application will run the same way,the client browser will receive an HTML web page, that HTML page will include a Silverlight content region, and the Silverlight
code will run on the local computer, not the web server.
However, the ASP.NET web approach makes it easier to mix ASP.NET and Silverlight content.